YAVEON Code of Conduct
1. YAVEON – our principles
It is crucial for the success of our company that we all, i.e. the management, the executives and each individual employee, behave honestly, sincerely and ethically.
This also means that we report and communicate truthfully, comprehensively and promptly both internally and externally. Our common goal is to take responsibility for our company and protect the reputation of our brand.
With this in mind, we have developed our mission and vision as well as our core values. These reflect our values, our business principles and our commitments to each other and to our stakeholders.
1.1 YAVEON Vision
Our vision is:
"Unleash your potential digitally.“
1.2 YAVEON Mission
Our mission is:
"We help our customers to be efficient and successful in the long term. Our expert advice and excellent industry solutions ensure optimized processes. Simplicity with the highest quality, compliance and holistic thinking make us unique.“
1.3 Core values

Our core values
- Communication & presence
- Fairness & equal treatment
- Appreciation & recognition
- Credibility & trust
are the basic prerequisite for cooperation with our employees, customers, partners and suppliers. These are in focus in everything we do.
2. Integrity, confidentiality, responsibility
2.1 Integrity
"We are committed to staying true to our value and acting honestly and fairly!“
Our customers and business partners can always rely on our sense of responsibility and integrity. This is based, among other things, on the fact that we remain true to our own values and act honestly and fairly.
2.2 Compliance
"We comply with existing laws and internal guidelines!“
The beginning of a functioning compliance system is adherence to existing laws and guidelines and this is a matter of course for us. The topic of compliance is of particular importance to our company.
In particular, managers with budget or personnel responsibility are obliged to know the basic laws, regulations and internal company rules that are relevant to their area of responsibility.
2.3 Confidentiality and communication
"We protect confidential information from unauthorized disclosure and misuse and protect the reputation of our company in our public statements!"
Confidential information is non-public information that is only intended for a restricted group of people and not for internal dissemination or external publication.
As digital information spreads quickly and can be easily copied, we pay careful attention to the content of e-mails, attachments and downloaded files.
In particular, employees who have access to particularly confidential information (either customer or internal information e.g. from the areas of finance, human resources, controlling, management and back office) are obliged to maintain strict confidentiality.
2.4 Data protection
"We handle data with care!“
When collecting, storing, processing or transferring personal data (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth, health information) from employees, customers or other third parties, we exercise the utmost care and strict confidentiality and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
We are regularly advised and audited by an external data protection officer. We provide our employees with the necessary data protection knowledge through internal data protection training.
2.5 Whistleblowing/whistleblower system
We can achieve the goals of the Code of Conduct if we all play our part.
Managers and employees are obliged to report concrete indications or initial suspicions of a material compliance violation without delay.
At YAVEON, we want to ensure that we work and behave in a way that promotes our values and principles. If employees or partners of the company engage in inappropriate behavior, we want to know about it and respond. The aim is to ensure that people who have received information about violations in connection with their professional activities or in advance of a professional activity can report them. This cannot result in any disadvantage to the person making the report! The reporting procedure must be accessible to employees while maintaining the confidentiality of their identity and providing effective protection against discrimination.
The reporting obligation includes, for example:
- Economic offenses such as corruption, fraud, theft
- The violation of human rights, sexual harassment, or violations of discrimination laws
- Violations that may lead to action by a supervisory or prosecuting authority (e.g. supervisory authority, public prosecutor's office)
For this purpose, YAVEON has an external whistleblowing reporting channel. The company TDSSG GmbH acts as a neutral mediator and monitor and provides support with the following tasks:
- Accessibility via the defined reporting channel (by telephone and special e-mail address)
- Protected dialog with whistleblowers in absolute confidentiality
- Examination of incoming information
- Legally compliant completion of all processing and notification deadlines
- Confidentiality obligation as an ombudsman
- Confidential reports and recommendation for measures to the management
Possible violations of the YAVEON Code of Conduct can also be reported via the whistleblower system.
Knowingly providing false information may have corresponding consequences.
The following whistleblowing reporting channels are available for reporting material violations of the Code of Conduct - in particular illegal business practices:
- E-mail: hinweisgeber-yaveon(at)team-datenschutz.de
- Mobile: +49 172 6302 169
- Landline: +49 6831 5050 168
You can also submit information anonymously.
TDSSG GmbH manages the reporting channels for whistleblowing and acts as an ombudsman and point of contact for all questions. As persons of trust, the employees of TDSSG GmbH receive reports of possible violations of laws, internal regulations or other damaging behavior within YAVEON. If necessary and if they know the identity of the whistleblower, they will contact them directly. Finally, they forward all reports to YAVEON for appropriate processing, provided they have been discussed with the whistleblower and anonymized if desired. The whistleblower system offers YAVEON the opportunity to become aware of potential grievances in a targeted manner and to rectify them at an early stage. For employees and other authorized persons, such a system offers a platform for pointing out possible grievances, both large and small.
The internal YAVEON Voice tool is also available to all employees to report (suspected) rule violations internally. This can be done anonymously or by providing a name. The report is then forwarded internally to the head of the Human Resources department and is treated confidentially. However, this tool does not offer the option of sending an interaction in the form of a query, response or similar to anonymous reports.
In the event of questions and uncertainty as to whether a compliance violation has occurred and really needs to be reported, the Human Resources (HR) or Quality & Compliance Management (QCM) departments can be consulted confidentially. The QCM and HR departments assume an advisory and supportive role in clarifying suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct and are obliged to treat inquiries in strict confidence. Alternatively, external enquiries can also be made via the whistleblowing reporting channel.
A serious breach of rules occurs when our basic ethical values set out in the Code of Conduct are significantly violated. Breaches of laws or regulations that could seriously damage the company's reputation or financial interests are also considered serious breaches of rules. In all other cases, the advice of the HR department or the QCM should be sought.
The reporting system serves to protect our company, the whistleblowers and all persons who contribute to the investigation and elimination of misconduct and violations of the regulations. Discrimination against them is a serious breach of the regulations. At the same time, the reporting system safeguards the interests of those affected. The presumption of innocence applies to them as long as a violation has not been proven. The reporting system is based on standardized processes and the confidential and professional handling of reports. Abuse of the whistleblower system will not be tolerated and will be punished accordingly.
3. Responsibility towards people and the environment
3.1 Respect for human rights
"We fully comply with internationally recognized human rights!"
We respect human rights, personal rights and the dignity of our employees and all third parties.
We do not tolerate child or forced labor, debt bondage or other forms of modern slavery. We comply with the regulations on minimum wages, working hours and freedom of association.
"We take responsibility for human rights!"
The diversity of our employees is our strength. Their individual ideas, talents and skills enable us to meet the specific requirements of our customers and regularly exceed their expectations. We therefore respect people regardless of their background and their different characteristics, skills and opinions. We create a working environment in which we treat each other fairly and in which the development and growth of everyone is encouraged.
Discrimination, harassment (sexual or otherwise, e.g. in the form of intimidation, hostility, humiliation, insults, social exclusion, disadvantage, degradation or other disparagement) as well as statements and any behavior that may incite aggression or hostility in the workplace will be punished with disciplinary measures.
"We take responsibility for equal opportunities!"
We always make personnel decisions (such as hiring, employee retention measures and promotions) on the basis of objective criteria, such as competence, performance and behavior at work, but not on the basis of characteristics that are not relevant to work, such as ethical, social or national origin, gender, age, physical characteristics, disability, trade union membership, religion, ideology, marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity. Exceptions exist exclusively on the basis of legal regulations.
"We adhere to the regulations to ensure fair working conditions, including regulations on pay, fair working hours and the protection of privacy!"
Our remuneration systems are consistent and transparent. They guarantee remuneration in line with the market, functions and performance, taking into account business-specific characteristics.
Working hours comply with applicable laws or industry standards and take into account an appropriate work-life balance. Overtime should be avoided wherever possible or kept to a necessary minimum. Employees must be given at least one day's rest after no more than six consecutive working days.
3.2 Occupational health and safety
"We take our responsibility for the health and safety of our employees very seriously!"
We promote the health of our employees and ensure health and safety in the workplace within the framework of the applicable national regulations and on the basis of the company's health and safety strategy.
We organize training courses for occupational safety, first aiders and fire protection assistants and offer a subsidy for company pension schemes and occupational disability insurance.
Regular preventive medical check-ups are organized for our employees as part of the annual health day in cooperation with health insurance companies and company doctors. Our offices are modernly equipped.
A hygienic working environment is essential.
3.3 Environmental and climate protection
"We take responsibility for the environment and sustainability!"
We comply with all applicable environmental regulations and internal environmental guidelines, such as those on climate protection and procurement.
We use resources, energy and water sensibly and sparingly. Every day, each of us makes a small contribution to protecting our environment and reducing energy consumption in our work environment. We also offer our employees e-cars and e-bikes.
We take care of waste separation and sustainable disposal.
We pursue sustainable corporate governance and take ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) activities into account. We take more and more environmentally friendly measures, continuously define further ESG goals and make them an integral part of our corporate strategy.
When selecting suppliers, advertising materials or other external services and when traveling, we pay attention to ecological and social criteria.
4. Developing sustainable relationships
4.1 Competition
"We compete honestly and fairly!"
We want to impress with quality, service and performance and build a brand with which these values are associated. Our task is to constantly and continuously improve our performance without sabotaging the competition. Our quotes and proposals are honest and transparent.
We are committed to fair dealings with our competitors. We do not tolerate any actions by our employees that disadvantage our competitors through factual untruths or disparagement.
4.2 Conflicts of interests
“We separate private from business interests!”
We do not use our contacts to gain private advantages. We behave professionally and objectively regardless of whether we get on well or less well with one partner or the other.
We act with integrity. It is therefore particularly important to us, that we avoid creating potential conflicts of interest in our professional activities and, that we recognize and disclose any conflicts that we are confronted with or that we observe.
Employees who are affected by a potential or actual conflict of interest are obliged to inform their superiors or the management quickly in order to bring about a rapid clarification.
4.3 Principles for cooperation and leadership
“We live our corporate values, principles and rules. We take responsibility for personal and corporate growth and act as role models!”
We handle our tasks, roles and powers appropriately, fairly and responsibly. This also applies to personal relationships in the workplace, especially if existing official or hierarchical dependencies could be exploited. We always make decisions prudently, with integrity and transparency in the interests of the company and its employees, business partners and shareholders.
4.4 Relationships with business partners
“We act with integrity in our business relationships with others and also expect our business partners to comply with the law!”
Our business partners (e.g. customers, suppliers, representatives and consulting companies) expect that they can rely on YAVEON as a business partner that acts in accordance with the law. This also requires that we are familiar with our contractual obligations towards our business partners.
We carefully check the identity and integrity of potential business partners and suppliers. We make our purchasing decisions fairly based on objective criteria such as quality, price, service, reliability, availability, technical performance and contract fulfillment.
We commit to abide by the Code of Conducts of our partners (for example the Supplier Code of Conduct from Microsoft).
4.5 Corruption prevention
“We do not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption!”
Benefits in the form of gifts and invitations are common in business relationships and are often a matter of courtesy. As long as these benefits are within reasonable limits and do not violate internal or legal regulations, they are not objectionable.
However, if such benefits exceed these limits and are used to influence third parties, this may entail a significant risk under criminal law. Therefore, we do not promise or grant valuable gifts, invitations, payments or other benefits (such as business opportunities or job offers) to induce others to provide us or YAVEON with a business advantage.
We also never engage third parties to offer such benefits. Gifts and invitations from YAVEON employees are always only favors in the normal course of business. Gifts may only be of reasonable value. Invitations are only extended as an ancillary part of normal business events. Only then are they considered socially appropriate and legally justifiable. Gifts and invitations must not be suitable for unfairly influencing decisions or actions of the recipient in favor of YAVEON; this also applies if the aforementioned benefits are offered or provided for the benefit of relatives or related parties. We avoid even the appearance of undue influence.
We refrain from offering or granting benefits, gifts or invitations that serve or are likely to serve to unlawfully influence the decision or action of a person or that could give the appearance of doing so. We do not participate in corruption.
Mostly permissible
- symbolic, appropriate, low-value occasional or promotional gifts
- Invitations to business lunches/events of reasonable value in the normal course of business (the business occasion is paramount and clearly outweighs possible entertainment elements)
Generally not permitted
- Cash, gift vouchers or other cash equivalents
- valuable or inappropriate gifts
- Free or extremely discounted products or services
- Invitations to meals, trips or events outside the normal course of business
- Job offers or business opportunities
- personal favors
4.6 Dealing with political institutions and authorities
“We maintain a correct and legally impeccable relationship with all government and supervisory authorities!”
Business relationships with government agencies are often subject to particularly strict requirements. When dealing with governments and authorities, we always act honestly and transparently and in accordance with applicable law and our internal guidelines. This applies, for example, to contacts with authorities in day-to-day business (for necessary licenses, approvals or contract conclusions), in the case of political lobbying or official inquiries (requests for information, official investigations, legal proceedings).
In the event of official inquiries of any kind, the local management and the relevant department must be contacted immediately.
If official approvals are required for the company or for employees, we will only operate in the relevant business area once we have obtained them. If a permit is withdrawn or expires (including any transitional periods), we will cease our activities until it is obtained again.
4.7 Political associations and donations
“YAVEON does not favor political parties, groups or individuals!”
Company funds and resources will not be used to support partisan campaigns, political parties, political candidates or partisan organizations.
4.8 Fraud and money laundering
“We have made it our mission to prevent money laundering in the course of our business activities!”
We do not tolerate any kind of criminal activity.
We protect ourselves against this by always acting lawfully, conscientiously and properly.
5. About this Code of Conduct
5.1 To whom does the Code of Conduct apply?
The Code of Conduct applies to all employees of a company - from salaried employees to managers. These behavioral guidelines and basic values are binding rules that apply to every employee and the company management.
Compliance with our code is the personal responsibility of all employees!
In addition, a code of conduct makes it easier for customers, suppliers and business partners to find a partner that shares the same values. This ensures a more harmonious and effective collaboration.
5.2 Violations and consequences
We do not tolerate violations of the Code of Conduct. Anyone who violates these rules must expect appropriate consequences. To prevent this from happening, we seek advice and support and work together to protect our company, its values and reputation.