ERP trends 2024: these topics will engage us

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been supporting the everyday work of businesses
for many years. As businesses and their requirements change, so do ERP systems.

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30. November 2023

Content Marketing Manager

New features are added, while those that are no longer needed disappear. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other technologies are changing the market. What does the future hold? We present the most important trends that will accompany ERP systems in 2024 and beyond.

ERP-Trend 1: Cloud computing becomes more and more of a must

A server that stands in its own room and can only be used from there - the classic on-premises hosting exists and is still the first choice for many businesses. However, cloud solutions are also on the fast track in the ERP sector and are no longer just the future. The trend for 2024 is clearly pointing towards the cloud. Private cloud and public cloud solutions offer advantages that meet the needs of today. Flexibility thanks to data access from any location with internet access, cost efficiency thanks to a rental model, and the ability to adapt the system scope to changing circumstances using scalability are just a few of them.

ERP-Trend 2: Artificial intelligence supports work processes and saves time

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of everyday life for many people, especially since ChatGPT. ERP systems are also increasingly relying on AI and its capabilities. AI can quickly and reliably analyze even huge amounts of data. The result is a comprehensive data set on the basis of which more informed decisions can be made. At the same time, AI can take over repetitive tasks, saving employees time. In addition, AI is able to analyze average inventory levels or inventory availability and provide recommendations for reordering and storage on this basis. Because information can also be played out more precisely for users through AI, recommendations are personalized and promise more success.

ERP-Trend 3: The Internet of Things unites the benefits of the real world with those of the digital universe

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects objects with the possibilities of the internet. A well-known example is the refrigerator that, using sensors, realizes that the milk is empty and automatically orders a refill. The trend for 2024 shows that ERP systems are increasingly being integrated into IoT infrastructures to receive data from connected devices in real time. This allows processes in production and inventory levels to be monitored more accurately, and reactions can be made in time.

ERP-Trend 4: Sustainability and the environment remain in focus

Environmentally conscious thinking is an important component that also affects software solutions. ERP systems are increasingly integrating sustainable processes to reduce required resources. Short delivery routes, low power consumption, and as little product waste as possible due to expired goods - the trend shows that ERP software is increasingly integrating such possibilities.

ERP-Trend 5: Business Intelligence enables the fast and reliable analysis of large data sets

As data sets become larger, the effort required to analyze them also grows. ERP systems are therefore increasingly relying on business intelligence (BI). BI solutions such as Microsoft Power BI support efficient analysis, create reliable foundations for data-driven insights and decisions, and facilitate accurate predictions.

ERP-Trend 6: The opportunities for mobile working are growing, and access from abroad is becoming easier

Remote work, workation, and other trends are making it necessary for employees to access data from anywhere. To make this as efficient as possible, ERP solutions or their functions are increasingly being provided as mobile apps. This makes it easy to access them, and no bulky, stationary computers are required.

ERP-Trend 7: Cybersecurity becomes a focus topic and more reliable

Another trend that will shape Enterprise Resource Planning in 2024 is the pursuit of security. Especially when it comes to the cloud, there are always concerns about the secure storage of data. With a view to criminal intentions, increasing networking, and electronic data exchange, cybersecurity is gaining importance. Companies are investing a lot of money and effort in security measures. Protection from cyberattacks is more important than ever before.

ERP-Trend 8: Compliance and data protection take center stage

New laws, strict regulations, and stringent requirements: The legal landscape is changing, and more and more rules must be followed. This is also and especially important when working with enterprise resource planning (ERP). Safe working in compliance with the guidelines - a clear trend that will continue in the coming year as well.

ERP-Trend 9: Blockchain technologies bring new security to the digital world

Blockchains are actually known from the world of cryptocurrencies, but they are also gaining importance in the ERP environment. By integrating blockchain technology into an ERP, security increases. The reason: Cryptographic algorithms provide security and transparency in transactions. It is a decentralized system that cannot be manipulated or changed.

2024 will be digital: AI, security, and automation will shape ERP Trends

Transparency, speed, and compliance with regulations - these are perennial topics that will also accompany us in 2024. What is changing are the methods and functionalities used to achieve these goals. Artificial intelligence and automated data processing are increasingly becoming the focus of the ERP world. As always, Microsoft is at the forefront: The company is setting standards in the field of artificial intelligence with Microsoft Copilot and provides users with a tool that is integrated into their own solutions. Because we also build on proven Microsoft technology, current developments are automatically part of our solution portfolio. With our ERP industry solution YAVEON ProBatch, you are chossing a system that keeps up with the times - yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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