Time savings & better use of resources
At Remar Switzerland
How Remar has broken through the boundaries of ERP with the help of the Power Platform and no longer has to transfer booking requests manually.

At a glance
High time savings thanks to Power Platform
Remar Switzerland | www.remar.ch
Core business
Financing of social projects through services
in Switzerland

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What are the benefits of the YAVEON solution?
Visible results
- Contact details from booking requests must be manually transferred
- Extremely time-consuming, and inefficient
- Microsoft Power Platform
- Immense time-savings
- Employees can use resources more efficiently
- Breaks the boundaries of ERP
Data transfer from Microsoft Bookings to ERP?
The Power Platform makes it possible
Microsoft Bookings is a practical tool for handling requests and appointments digitally. Data can be entered, the form sent, and the respective content appears automatically on the recipient’s screen. But what is missing is the ability to transfer the captured information to the ERP system. This manual process is unwieldy and prone to errors - it’s a task that costs the non-profit organization Remar a lot of time. The right solution: a workflow with the Microsoft Power Platform.
Helping people who are not seen by society
Remar is a name and a destination, as Remar stands for "rehabilitation of marginalized people". The Swiss organization aims to help people who do not receive social support, giving them hope, and providing them with a future. To finance its work, Remar offers services such as removals, cleaning, pick-up services, and transport services, which can be requested through its website. Paulo Oliveira, CEO of Remar Switzerland, recalls: "There was a lot of manual work needed for the coordination of these services. I wanted to ease the workload of our employees, and not have them tied up with so many phone calls. We already use Business Central and are supported by YAVEON. The project is the responsibility of our colleague from the accounting department, and that's how we started talking about it."
Microsoft Power Automate in use at Remar: breaking the boundaries of ERP
We looked into how the data that Remar receives through the Microsoft Bookings app could be transferred directly to Microsoft Business Central, and that kicked off an extensive analysis. It quickly became clear that we needed an interface via Power Automate, to connect to Business Central.
Microsoft Power Automate is a tool from the low-code Microsoft Power Platform that helps you work more productively. To do this, it automates and optimizes business processes, just as Remar automates and optimizes the processing of inquiries via the website. The interface developed for the the project establishes an automatic connection between Microsoft Bookings and Business Central. Breaking the boundaries of the IT solution, and expanding its scope.
In practice, this means, as soon as a prospect signs up using the form on the Remar website, the Power Automate workflow is informed, and responds. It then automatically transfers the data to the ERP system.
"Since we've been using the interface, our employees have a lot more time. I would definitely choose the solution and YAVEON again."
Paulo Oliveira, CEO Remar Switzerland
How an experienced consultant guided the project to a successful conclusion
"The project was able to get off to a quick start, but the timeframe had shifted in the meantime, and there were initially some discrepancies in the transfer of data. However, together with our YAVEON consultant, we were able to solve these challenges," says Mr. Oliveira. The implementation was gradually completed, with close cooperation between Remar and YAVEON, until the interface was successfully installed and in use. "Our YAVEON consultant guided us very well through the project, explaining the processes and the functions of the product. He was able to ease any worries we might have had in advance. We were extremely happy."
A time-saving interface
Remar has been using the interface for some time now, and the result is impressive, as they have been able to reduce their workload significantly. "Since we've been using the interface, our employees have a lot more time," says Mr. Oliveira. "I would definitely choose the solution and YAVEON again."
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